Monday, November 14, 2011

Wardrobe Planning/Nähen nach Plan

(Deutsch gibt's unten)

I'd like to highlight a fabulous post by (of course) the fabulous Dr. E. which got me thinking about wardrobe planning. I often go where my fancy takes me with my sewing, and when I think of wardrobe building I get overwhelmed because of the sheer amount of patterns I'd need.

E. does some very practical - and I mean that in the best sense - wardrobe sewing. She advises you to think about the "uniform" you wear every day, and to collect TNT patterns for the basic shapes in your wardrobe.

My most worn garment types are

  • fitted knit tees (with long/short/no sleeves which could all come from the same pattern as E. says - I never thought about that, duh)
  • woven blouses
  • cardigans (which could made using the tee pattern, with adjustments)
  • trouser style pants
  • slim jeans
  • knee-length skirts of different shapes, no dirndl or pencil skirts though
  • trench style jackets and coats
  • blazer style jackets
  • cardigan style jackets (again, could be made from one basic adjusted tee pattern)
Of these, I have the blouse and the skirt patterns. Would it be worth trying to find and perfect the other five pattern types I'd need? Would I get bored with sewing basics? I know I'd love to have/wear the result.

How about you? How much planning goes into your sewing? How practical do your self-made garments have to be?


Ich habe hier einen interessanten Post auf Englisch entdeckt. E. näht nach Plan und deckt damit den größten Teil ihres Kleiderschranks ab. Sie näht nicht übermäßig viel, aber immer zusammenpassende Einzelteile. In dem Post erklärt sie, wie sie vorgeht.

E. regt an, dass man sich überlegt, nach welchen Kleidungsstücken man tatsächlich Tag für Tag greift; dafür soll man sich dann Grundschnitte suchen und kommt so effizient zu brauchbarer Kleidung. Ich trage fast immer

  • schmal geschnittene T-Shirts, mit/ohne/mit halbem Arm (für die ein Schnitt reicht, was mir bisher nicht aufgegangen war...)
  • Blusen aus Webstoffen
  • Strickjacken (könnte man nach dem T-Schnitt nähen, mit Änderungen)
  • Hosen im "Anzugschnitt"
  • schmale Jeans
  • moderat weite knielange Röcke
  • Mäntel und Jacken im Trench-Stil
  • Blazer
  • Walkjacken (könnte man auch nach dem T-Grundschnitt anpassen)
Bisher habe ich nur für Bluse und Rock geeignete Basisschnitte. Würde es sich lohnen, darauf aufzubauen, und würde ich dabeibleiben? Bisher nähe ich eher nach Lust und Laune; habe aber immer weniger Lust einzukaufen und weiß, tragen würde ich so eine Basisgarderobe bestimmt viel.

Wie geht Ihr an's Nähen heran? Näht Ihr "Zückerchen" oder Gebrauchsgarderobe, nach Plan oder nach Inspiration?


  1. Fascinating read, that blog post was. Thanks for sharing! As much fun as it is to sew fancy dresses and such, practical clothing is what gets worn the most around here...myself and the kids. It's hard to motivate myself to do it though. In the past, I've sewn up outfits that didn't coordinate with the rest of the clothes in the wardrobe and then been frustrated when I can't mix and match. That's definitely a lack of planning. I'm trying to be more deliberate about this but it's a work in progress!

  2. I read Elizabeth's post with interest as well. She does such a great job sewing coordinates. I, like you am much more of an "Oooh, shiny" sort of sewist. I sew whatever catches my fancy, then end up with a ton of orphan pieces (that end up being donated as I don't wear them), and often find myself shopping for key items that I could have/should have sewn myself. I need to print out that blog post and post it in my sewing room...

  3. Elizabeth's post is so true. I have bursts of sensible sewing, and these keep me in ordinairy clothes.
    Thanks for the link to the sock monster book, it looks terrific. I always knew there were sock monsters, I bet they eat the socks straight from the washing machine.

  4. I think it would definitely be worth having the 5 basic patterns. As much as I love to experiment with new patterns and looks, I have to have my basics for everyday life :)

  5. Thanks for the shout out, Uta. The bad thing about having basic patterns is getting there, I think (see my most recent post on a failed skirt). After that, it's all gravy... At least I hope it's gravy. Gravier?

  6. I have tnt patterns for a lot of my basic---tees, jeans, a couple of of cardigan-type things. At this point it's frankly faster to whip up a long sleeve tee than shop for one (assuming I've already shopped for the fabric ;) ), and it's terribly satisfying to wear them all the time. I think the trick is not getting bored sewing the same thing over again. For me, thinking of fun, unique details is what keeps it interesting...

  7. I think planning what you'll sew is sometimes as fun as actually doing it! I can make many more amazing things on a storyboard than I ever have time and energy to do in real life.

    It's definitely worth having the basic patterns that you need and you know fit well. If anything, you can use those paper patterns to compare to the fit of a new pattern you want to try.



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