Monday, March 8, 2010

Fickle mojo

My mojo is fickle. My sewing ADD has something to do with that. Does anybody else have this problem?

I love planning a garment. What fabric, what pattern, what else to make that goes with it.

My problem: If I overthink this, the garment is done. If only in my mind, but it's done. And I lose interest.

So I'm trying to trick myself/my mojo. I'm invited to a wedding. I have spring fever, but the crocuses aren't out yet, and the temperatures are freezing. I have this lovely, flowery wool fabric, and this green wool knit that makes me think of spring meadows. Perfect.

(You've seen two of the fabric pieces before. I've contemplated a coat here, and a top here.)

I'm trying to go with the mojo that says, make a coat and a dress. I set scissors to fabric almost right after the thought. The coat is cut out, pockets are sewn, I'm trying hard to sew faster than I can think. Almost.

Next up: coat pattern and pockets.

P.S. Again, I find myself emulating a fellow sewer I admire. Last week, I looked at the beautiful coat Shannon made about two years ago. Now, I find myself making a beige coat (albeit embroidered) with a rusty orange lining. True story: this was the only coat fabric in my stash (about three years old) and the only satin piece long enough for a coat lining (originally bought for a blouse).


  1. I feel ya. Sometimes it's way more fun to think about it than actually do it. Sewing is magic, but not fast magic, unfortunately.

  2. I'm rooting for you! Flower stems have poked up in front of my house, but they were quickly beaten back down by snow.

  3. Ja, ja, ja, kann ich so bestätigen - manchmal ist Planen (und Träumen!) besser als Nähen, manchmal werden Projekte "übergeplant", und dann sind sie gedanklich schon erledigt, bevor sie überhaupt konkret begonnen wurden. Und manchmal ist es schwer, etwas, das wochenlang ein Nähproblem war, auf einmal als Kleidungsstück zu akzeptieren. Seit ich eine günstige Stoffquelle vor der Tür habe, versuche ich schneller zu nähen, weniger zu planen und bin dadurch wirklich etwas zufriedener. Also: ran an den Mantel und an Kleid, nicht denken (naja: schon denken, wenn notwendig, aber nicht zu viel!)
    VG, Lucy

  4. I am SO the same way. I get obsessed with a project, think about it constantly, figure out all the little tricks and details of sewing it, and then lose interest in actually making it.

  5. That is lovely fabric. Hope your mojo returns soon.



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